This online course is designed to augment teacher preparation programming. Pre-service educators will build foundational knowledge about research, policy, and practice concerning English Learners and will understand how the CT English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards empower teachers to meet the needs of their students. The online module is available to all pre-service educators in participating teacher preparation programs.


If you are an instructor in a Connecticut teacher preparation program and would like to use this course with your participants, or would like to request a completion report, email John Gustafson


In Connecticut, educators will find English Learners in nearly every district in the state, and populations are growing rapidly. Educators need the knowledge base and skills to meet the diverse needs of these learners. In accordance with Statutory C.G.S. Sec. 10-145a (g), teacher preparation programs must include instruction around second language learning and second language acquisition.

Participants in the online course will be expected to complete the first three modules in order.  After each module, participants will be expected to check their understanding of the material presented through a short assessment.  Supplemental resources on most module topics are available.

  1. Getting Ready for the Course: This module provides instructions on how to complete the online module, download the CELP Standards document, and access the CT State Department of Education English Learners webpage.
  2. Second Language Acquisition and English Learner Identification: This module provides an overview of research-based theories of second language acquisition and explains the process of English Learner identification in CT.
  3. Navigation of the Connecticut English Language Proficiency Standards: This module explains how to navigate to key sections of the standards and the importance of each section in instructional planning and practice. Participants will have an opportunity to explore the standards deeply and understand how the document empowers teachers to support the development of English Learners’ language, content knowledge, and skills.