Please read all of the information before submitting a request:


ACES offers fingerprinting services through Livescan. We do not fingerprint on physical cards using ink. Fingerprints taken through ACES will be digitally sent to the state. 

What to Bring for Your Fingerprinting Appointment:

  • An unexpired government-issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license or passport).
  • Applicant Tracking Number 
    • To receive your applicant tracking number you need to complete a pre-enrollment application through the state. Here is the website: To complete the pre-enrollment process, you will need a service code. You should receive this service code from your employer, or whoever is asking you to get fingerprinted, so please make sure you reach out to them. Once you complete all the blue sections in the pre-enrollment application, an applicant tracking number will be sent to you. ACES need this applicant tracking number to complete your fingerprints.


What is the Cost?

  • The cost varies depending on your certification status and whether you are working for a local Board of Education (BOE) or a Regional Educational Service Center (RESC).
  • State and FBI fingerprinting fees are paid online during the pre-enrollment process.
  • ACES charges a $25 processing fee, plus a $0.38 credit card authorization fee.



  • Acceptable forms of payment include cash, debit/credit cards, or certified checks.


Ways to Pay:

  • Prepay Online: Click on the Fingerprinting Payment: Credit Cardlink on our website. On the payment form, please make sure you include your first and last name, your email address and the scheduled appointment date and time. 
    • If you have prepaid for your appointment, but can no longer make it, please reschedule on our website. Once you reschedule, you do not need to make another processing fee payment.
    • If you do not show up for your appointment, you will not be refunded the processing fee. 
  • Payment at time of appointment: If you did not prepay, you can pay by credit/debit card at the time of your appointment.


Cash Payments:

  • If paying by cash, please bring the $25 processing fee with you to your appointment.
  • Important: Starting July 1, 2025, ACES will no longer accept cash payments.


Please Note:

  • Personal checks are not accepted.


Appointment Scheduling:

  • Be sure to schedule your fingerprinting appointment on our website. Walk-ins or appointments outside of your scheduled date and time will not be accommodated.