Career Development and Transition for Multi-Challenged Adults

ACCESS client and support teamThe mission of ACES Adult Career & Community Empowerment Support Services (ACCESS), is to empower individuals with disabilities to become contributing members of their community. The program is located in the greater New Haven county. As an extension of ACES commitment to serving the needs of students with special needs, ACES ACCESS supports the career development and transition for a multi-challenged adult population (age 23 and older). The concept of continuous adult learning and life planning allows for choices from a menu of quality vocational and recreational/ volunteer services. ACCESS is a 12 month program.

All individuals have unique life experiences, dreams and expectations. The staff in the ACES ACCESS Department recognize their responsibility to act in partnership with the individual and his/her support team in order to develop support plans based on each individual’s vision, goals, needs and interests. The consumer plays an integral role in driving the service delivery system to continually update and improve services. Consumers participate on committees, staff interview process, orientation of new staff and peers, and on improvement teams. A holistic team approach is utilized.

view ACCESS Individual's Program Handbook

Ver el Manual del Programa Individual de ACCESS