Fingerprinting Fees

Processing fees

State and FBI fees will now be charged online on the CCHRS system.

ACES charges a $25 processing fee to complete your appointment. 

All payments made with a credit/debit card must be made prior to your appointment. To do so, please click on the Fingerprinting Payment: Credit Card link on our website. On the payment form, please make sure you include your first and last name, your email address and the scheduled appointment date and time.  Please note: ACES charges $25, but with the credit card processing fee, your total fee will equal $25.38. Once paid, ACES will receive confirmation of payment. 

If you have prepaid for your appointment, but can no longer make it, please reschedule on our website. Once you reschedule, you do not need to make another processing fee payment.

If you do not show up for your appointment, you will not be refunded the processing fee. 

If you would like to pay in cash, you must bring the $25 processing fee with you on the day of your appointment. 

Fingerprint applicant must bring:

  • A valid government-issued photo (i.e. driver’s license, passport, etc.)
  • Applicant Tracking Number/Confirmation Page either by email, picture or copy of. 


Authorized CT State and Federal Statutes Based on School Types Chart

School Types

CT State Statutes

Federal Statutes


10-221d Employee


NCPA/VCA Volunteer

Local or Regional Boards of Education (BOEs)





Public Schools:

CT Technical High School System, state and local charter schools, cooperative arrangements among towns pursuant to CGS § 10-158a, or interdistrict magnet schools operated by a public entity.







Nonpublic Schools:

Incorporated and endowed high schools and academies, special education facilities approved by the State Board of Education pursuant to CGS § 10-76d, interdistrict magnet schools operated by a private entity or any other nonpublic school.







The total cost for fingerprinting must be verified by contacting the appropriate RESC.

Description of Statutory Use And Fees Chart

Please note the new rates, effective 01/01/2025

*As of October 1, 2020 AWA and AWA Volunteer will no longer be accepted. NCPA/VCA and NCPA/VCA Volunteer will now be used*



State Fee

Federal Fee

ACES Fee  

CT State Statute

CGS § 10-212 Nurse

Appointed or contracted school nurses or nurse practitioners




CT State Statute

CGS § 10-221d Employee

Individuals who are employed by a local or regional board of education (BOE). This includes substitute teachers and school nurses or nurse practitioners who are hired by the BOE

No Fee



Federal Statute NCPA/VCA


(Federal Statute


Individuals employed by, under consideration for employment by, or in a paid position in which he/she will work with or around children in the elementary or secondary school or agency; this includes student teachers, interns, nursing students, public assistance employment applicants, and contracted workers who are paid. Individuals who work exclusively with preschool children must be fingerprinted under NCPA/VCA




Federal Statute

NCPA/VCA Volunteer


(Federal Statute

AWA Volunteer)

Individuals in an unpaid position in which he/she will work with or around children in the elementary or secondary school or agency; this includes student teachers, interns, nursing students, public assistance employment applicants, and contracted workers who are NOT paid. Individuals who work exclusively with preschool children must be fingerprinted under NCPA/VCA




Federal Statute


Individuals in a paid position that may have unsupervised access to or provide treatment, education, training, instruction, supervision, or recreation to children, the elderly, or the disabled and are not required or cannot be fingerprinted under a state law




Federal Statute

NCPA/VCA Volunteer

Individuals in an unpaid position that may have unsupervised access to or provide treatment, education, training, instruction, supervision, or recreation to children, the elderly, or the disabled and are not required or cannot be fingerprinted under a state law




Fingerprints are done at 370 James Street, New Haven, CT.