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Concept and Roles in Administration
Within the guidelines established by Governing Board policy, law and employee agreements, the Executive Director shall direct and coordinate the administrative staff in implementing the educational philosophy, and achieving the goals and general objectives of the Governing Board.
The ACES Governing Board expects the administration to demonstrate leadership and to resolve the inevitable problems which will arise both inside the school system and in its relations with the community. Further, the administration is expected to develop good working relationships with the total ACES community for the achievement of common goals.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2000.1 Board - Executive Director Relationship
2111 Equal Employment Opportunity
2112 Professional Development Opportunities
2120 Organization Chart
2121 Lines of Responsibility
2130 Job Descriptions
2131 Powers of Executive Director
2140 Executive Director
2141 Recruitment and Appointment of Executive Director
2152 Assignment of Administrative Personnel
2210 Administrative Leeway in Absence of Governing Board Policy
2220 Representative and Deliberative Groups
2231 Policy and Regulation Systems
2232 Administrative Reports / ACES’ Annual Report / Announcements
2240 Educational Research in District Schools
2300.1 Statement of Standards for School Leaders
2400 Evaluation of Administrators and Administration
2000.1 Board - Executive Director Relationship
The administration of ACES and its program shall be delegated to an Executive Director, who shall be employed upon terms and conditions as the Board shall approve. The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio non-voting member of the Board and all subcommittees thereof. He/she shall also serve as Secretary and Treasurer of the Board.
Goals and Objectives
The Governing Board believes that proper administration is vital to a successful educational program. The coordination and supervision of all aspects of the operations of the district's schools, pursuant to the policies of the Board, are necessary for the development and maintenance of an effective learning environment. Administrative duties and functions are to be assessed in terms of their contributions to the improvement of education in the district. The Executive Director, as chief executive officer of the district, is to provide the leadership necessary to support this objective.
District administration is to be organized so that all divisions and departments of the central office and all schools operate within a system guided by Board policies, which are implemented through the Executive Director. All personnel will have the necessary authority and responsibility (clearly defined and correlated to their roles) to carry out their respective assignments within this framework. Accountability will rest with these same personnel for the effectiveness with which their duties are performed.
Major goals of district administration will be:
- to effectively manage the district's various departments, units and programs;
- to provide professional advice and counsel to the Board and to advisory groups established by Board action. This includes the review of policy alternatives and the subsequent recommendation from among them;
- to perform managerial duties as will best assure effective learning programs, including but not limited to:
- ensuring the effective implementation of Board policy;
- addressing the on-site needs of the district's schools;
- providing leadership in keeping abreast of current educational developments;
- arranging for effective staff development programs;
- coordinating cooperative efforts at improving learning programs, facilities, equipment and materials; and
- providing channels for the upward flow of information necessary and useful in the design and development of school policy.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2111 Equal Employment Opportunity
All personnel policies and practices of the Governing Board will be in accord with equal employment opportunity practices as determined by state and federal legislation. A job description and required qualifications for a position to be filled will be made available to all applicants. Equal employment opportunity means that equal employment possibilities are available to all protected groups and that no individual will be discriminated against because of race, gender, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or unrelated abilities to perform the duties of the position.
Legal References:
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C., sub 2000e.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. Sec 621.
Executive Order 11246.
Connecticut General Statutes:
Connecticut Constitution Article I, Section 20; Amendment V Equal Rights
Protection Amendment.
46a-51 (8), (17), (18) Discriminatory practices.
46a-58(a) Deprivation of rights.
46a-60 Discriminatory employment practices prohibited.
46a-79 State policy re employment of criminal offenders.
46a-80 Denial of employment based on prior conviction of crime.
10-153 Discrimination on account of marital status.
PA91-58 An act concerning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2112 Professional Development Opportunities
The Governing Board encourages the Executive Director to make every effort to stay abreast of educational trends and to seek and take advantage of opportunities for professional growth.
For these purposes and so that he/she can keep the Governing Board and professional staff informed of new and promising educational developments, the Governing Board encourages the Executive Director to maintain membership in certain professional organizations, attend and participate in workshops, conferences, conventions, and appropriate courses, and to engage in reading and writing of a professional and developmental nature.
The Governing Board recognizes the importance of professional development opportunities for new and experienced administrators. As leaders of ACES, administrators' active participation in professional development provides positive role models for other staff and students by enacting dual roles of teacher and learner. Formal acknowledgment of the importance of these reciprocal roles and responsibilities will lead to sustained professional growth and learning among administrative staff, which will, in turn, benefit the school community.
A philosophy that promotes continued learning for all educators should permeate professional development programs and practices. The philosophy should specifically support different learning needs, based on experience, and an investment in the professional growth of future school leaders.
All administrators should be exposed to professional growth opportunities and educational practices that address ways to foster diversity and equity in the school community. Professional development programs should be developed to assist and alert participants to issues related to the impact of racial, ethnic, and gender bias in the classroom, in the schools, and in the broader community.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
The Executive Director will keep the administrative structure up to date within the changing needs of ACES. The ACES organizational chart shall be published yearly and made available to all members of the organization.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
All personnel will be responsible to the Governing Board through the Executive Director.
All personnel will refer matters requiring administrative action to the appropriate administrator who will refer such matters to the next level of authority, if necessary.
All personnel shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrator, through approved grievance procedures as defined by contract. Where not covered by contract, appeals are routed through an employees’ immediate supervisor, then to the Human Resources Department, then to the Executive Director and if necessary then to the Governing Board.
All administrative personnel will keep appropriate staff informed of pertinent activities.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
The Executive Director shall provide for the preparation and maintenance of job descriptions for all administrative personnel. Such job descriptions shall be kept in a separate manual for that purpose.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2131 Powers of Executive Director
The Executive Director shall have the authority to employ personnel and to negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment, subject to confirmation by the Board and in compliance with all applicable laws.
The Executive Director shall have the authority to sign checks and financial records and to enter into contracts as authorized by the Board on behalf of ACES. In addition, the Executive Director shall have all the powers as described in his/her job description.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-157 Superintendents
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
The Governing Board will elect and fix the term of office and salary of an Executive Director who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board and has authority and responsibility for the supervision of the school system.
At the request of the Executive Director, the Board shall provide a written contract of employment which includes salary, benefits and term of office of the Executive Director.
Each year, the Board will evaluate the Executive Director in accordance with guidelines and criteria mutually determined and agreed upon by both the Board and the Executive Director and shall be completed no later than June.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Director shall be the chief executive officer of the Governing Board and shall be responsible for the management of the public schools in the district within federal and state laws and regulations and Board policies. He/she shall be responsible to the Board as a body and not to individuals on the Board and shall be responsible for the execution of all decisions and the administration of Board policies and directions concerning school system operations. The Executive Director shall have the power to act in matters not covered by Board policy, subject to such actions being reviewed by the Board at a regular meeting.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-157 Superintendents
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2141 Recruitment and Appointment of Executive Director
The appointment of an Executive Director is the legal responsibility of the Board. The Board will conduct an active search to find the person it believes can most effectively translate into action the policies of the Board, the aspirations of the community, and foster a diverse professional staff. Efforts will be made to increase recruitment of underrepresented groups, including but not limited to women, minorities and people with disabilities, through the use of nontraditional sources. Applicants who can best fulfill the role will be sought from within the school system and from without.
Appointment of Executive Director
A vote of the majority of the Board members, present at a Board meeting for which due notice has been given of the intended action, will be required for the appointment of the Executive Director.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-157 Executive Directors
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2152 Assignment of Administrative Personnel
The Executive Director shall have the responsibility of assignment of all administrative personnel within the organization. This responsibility shall include the change in assignment of administrative personnel as circumstances warrant.
Among these may be the perceived need to transfer a member or members of the administrative staff from one position to another in the best interest of the organization.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2210 Administrative Leeway in Absence of Governing Board Policy
In cases where emergency action must be taken within ACES and where the Board has provided no guidelines for administrative action, the Executive Director shall have the power to act.
It shall be the duty of the Executive Director to inform the Board promptly of such action and of the need for possible additional policies, or revision of existing policies, and the Executive Director’s decisions shall be subject to review by the Board at its next regular meeting.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2220 Representative and Deliberative Groups
The Governing Board encourages the Executive Director and administrative staff to create and maintain appropriate groups such as councils, cabinets and committees to:
- Foster good communications with the staff, students and the public.
- Allow staff, students, and the public a voice in decisions affecting them.
- Establish effective channels of communication for the public, the students and the district staff.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2231 Policy and Regulation Systems
Policy Manual
The Executive Director shall establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and making accessible policies and bylaws adopted by the Board, and the regulations of the administration. Board policies, Board bylaws, and administrative regulations shall be made available to all persons concerned.
Policies are statements of intent adopted by the Board. They serve as guides to the administration in the development and implementation of regulations for operating the district.
The Executive Director is an integral part of this policy-making process recommending to the Board areas requiring policy adoption or change.
The Executive Director is responsible for development and implementation of district regulations. He/she shall develop a system involving staff members in development and implementation of regulations. Regulations should be complete, consistent with adopted Board policy, and capable of reasonable implementation.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2232 Administrative Reports / ACES’ Annual Report / Announcements
The Executive Director will present reports to the Board on the status of ACES.
The Executive Director shall be responsible for submitting to the Board an annual report.
The Executive Director shall file an annual financial report with the State in accordance with the law.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-157 Superintendent of Schools
10-222 Appropriations and budget
10-224 Duties of the Secretary
10-227 Returns of receipts, expenditures and statistics to state board.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2240 Educational Research in District Schools
All requests from outside agencies to conduct research within the school district must be directed to the Executive Director. The following criteria will be utilized to make a determination regarding approval of such requests:
- The study results in direct benefits or provides direct services to the children of within the school district.
- The study provides in-service opportunities for the growth and development of faculty and/or staff.
- There be no expenditures of district funds or use of staff/faculty time unless there are benefits as described in 1 and 2 above.
- Students participating in studies, authorized by school administration, must have the approval of their parents.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2300.1 Statement of Standards for School Leaders
The Governing Board endorses the following “Standards for School Leaders” adopted by the Connecticut State Board of Education. These “Standards” represent the qualities desired of school administrators in this District.
The Educated Person
The school administrator is a school leader who promotes the success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community.
The Learning Process
The school leader possesses a current, research and experience-based understanding of learning theory and human motivation, helps develop such understanding in teachers and parents, and uses that understanding to promote the continuous improvement of student learning. (i.e., Connecticut’s Common Core of Learning).
The Teaching Process
The school leader possesses a knowledge of teaching which is grounded in research and experience, and uses that knowledge to foster teachers’ reflection on the impact of their professional beliefs, values and practices on student learning. (i.e., Connecticut’s Common Core of Learning).
Diverse Perspectives
The school leader understands the role of education in a pluralistic society, and works with staff, parents and community to develop programs and instructional strategies that incorporate diverse perspectives.
School Goals
The school leader actively engages members of the school community to establish goals that encompass the school’s vision of the educated person and in developing procedures to monitor the achievement of these goals.
School Culture
The school leader utilizes multiple strategies to shape the school culture in a way that fosters collaboration among the staff and the involvement of parents, students and the community in efforts to improve student learning.
Student Standards and Assessment
The school leader works with the school community to establish rigorous academic standards for all students and promotes the use of multiple assessment strategies to monitor student progress.
School Improvement
The school leader works with staff members to improve the quality of school programs by reviewing the impact of current practices on student learning, considering promising alternatives and implementing program changes that are designed to improve learning for all students.
Professional Development
The school leader works with staff members to plan and implement activities that promote the achievement of school goals, while encouraging and supporting staff members as they assume responsibility for their professional development.
Integration of Staff Evaluation, Professional Development and School Improvement
The school leader works with staff members to develop and implement an integrated set of school- based policies for staff selection, evaluation, professional development and school improvement that result in improved teaching and learning for all students.
Organization, Resources and School Policies
The school leader works with staff members to review organization and resources, and develops and implements policies and procedures to improve program effectiveness, staff productivity.
School-Community Relations
The school leader collaborates with the staff to create and sustain a variety of opportunities for parent and community participation in the life of the school.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.
2400 Evaluation of Administrators and Administration
In order to advance the instructional program of the school district, the Executive Director will establish and will implement an evaluation program for all administrators and teachers. Such a program will be aimed at improving administrator/teacher performance and at promoting professional growth within the framework of the goals and objectives of the school district. Such an evaluative process will include a formal procedure for the evaluation of the Executive Director by the Governing Board.
The Executive Director's evaluation and the evaluation of district administrators and teachers should be viewed as part of an overall district management plan of establishing goals and objective, appropriate programs, and methods of evaluation. Instructional leadership efforts can only be productive if teaching and learning are emphasized and if objectives, measurement, and feedback are part of that effort. Teachers, administrators, central office personnel, and the Board should be partners in the improvement process.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-151a Access of teacher to supervisory records and reports in personnel file
10-151b Evaluation by superintendents of certain education personnel. (amended by PA 04-137, An Act Concerning Teachers’ Evaluations)
10-151c Records of teacher performance and evaluation not public records
10-220a(b) Inservice training. Professional development. Institutes for educators. Cooperating and beginning teacher programs, regulations.
Policy adopted: October 16, 2008.