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ACES at Chase Mathematics Department provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to be prepared for mathematics in college, career, and life.
ACES at Chase mathematics instruction focuses on procedural skills, what mathematics students can do, as well as student mathematics understanding. Students are expected to demonstrate their understanding of mathematics through performance tasks, justifying their answers with evidence and reasoning, and critiquing the mathematics reasoning of others. Having students demonstrate their understanding of mathematics is a life skill that has application in all future schooling and careers.
Take a look at the Standards for Mathematical Practice in Grades 6 - 8.
Standards for Mathematical Practice in Grades 6 - 8
The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education.
"Standards for Mathematical Practice." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2014. "
For more information about these Standards for Mathematical Practice, visit the website at
6th grade
CCSS: Grade 6 Common Core
CCSS Compacted: Grade 6 Common Core & Grade 7 Common Core Exposure
7th grade
CCSS: Grade 7 Common Core
CCSS Compacted: Grade 7 Common Core & Grade 8 Common Core Exposure
8th grade
CCSS: Grade 7 Common Core
CCSS Algebra I: High School Common Core Algebra I
See these parent resources for understanding what your child should learn and be able to do this year, and helpful suggestions for supporting your child’s learning at home.