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Table of Contents
Sec. 10-66a. Establishment
Sec. 10-66b Operation and management
Sec. 10-66c. Powers of board of center
Sec. 10-66d. Participation by boards of education and nonpublic schools
Sec. 10-66e. Payment of expenses
Sec. 10-66f. Participation in programs of other centers
Sec. 10-66g. Budget and projected revenues statement
Sec. 10-66h. Annual evaluation of programs and services
Sec. 10-66i. Applicability of statutes
Sec. 10-66j. Regulations
Sec. 10-66k. Revocation of participation; effect on pledge for security of bonds
Sec. 10-66l. Boards of education may join center within or outside area.
Sec. 10-66m. Other cooperative agreements not affected.
Sec. 10-66n. Grants for identifying and disseminating information re exemplary classroom projects
Secs. 10-66o to 10-66z. Reserved for future use
A regional educational service center may be established in any regional state planning area designated in accordance with section 16a-4a upon approval by the State Board of Education of a plan of organization and operation submitted by four or more boards of education for the purpose of cooperative action to furnish programs and services. Except where the pupil population is over fifty thousand in a given planning area, only one regional educational service center may be established in such area. In no case shall there be more than two educational service centers in any such area and in no case shall a board of education be a member of more than one regional educational service center. If, after the establishment of a regional educational service center, boards of education vote to withdraw so that fewer than four such boards are members or the State Board of Education denies continued approval pursuant to section 10-66h, the center shall cease to exist at the end of the subsequent fiscal year.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 1; P.A. 78- 218, S. 49; 78-295, S. 1, 9; P.A. 79-631, S. 48, 111; P.A. 80-154, S. 1, 5.)
History: P.A. 78-218 substituted "local" for "town" boards of education and deleted phrase designating August 1, 1972 as commencement date for establishing centers;
P.A. 78-295 substituted "member" for "participating" boards, substituted Sec. "16a-4a" for "4-124b", required submission of plan of organization and operation for state board's approval before establishment of center, prohibited membership of board of education in more than one center and provided for dissolution of center if state board denies continued approval;
P.A. 79-631 and P.A. 80-154 made technical changes.
Sec. 10-66b. Operation and management
Board. The operation and management of any regional educational service center shall be the responsibility of the board of such center to be composed of at least one member from each participating board of education, selected by such board of education. The board of the regional educational service center may designate from its membership an executive board which shall have such powers as the board of the regional educational service center may delegate and which are consistent with this part. The term of office of members of the board of the regional educational service center shall not exceed four years. Members of the board of the regional educational service center shall receive no compensation for services rendered as such, but may be reimbursed for necessary expenses in the course of their duties. The director of the regional educational service center shall serve as the executive agent of the board of the regional educational service center.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 2; P.A. 80-154, S. 2, 5; P.A. 94-245, S. 10, 46.)
History: P.A. 80-154 added provision concerning membership of regional board when participating boards of education are responsible for students who attend E.O. Smith School;
P.A. 94-245 deleted obsolete language which had required that the board of certain regional educational service centers include member designated by the board of trustees of The University of Connecticut, effective June 2, 1994.
Sec. 10-66c. Powers of board of center
A regional educational service center shall be a body corporate and politic. The board of a regional educational service center shall be a public educational authority acting on behalf of the state of Connecticut and shall have the power to sue and be sued, to receive and disburse private funds and such prepaid and reimbursed federal, state and local funds as each member board of education may authorize on its own behalf, to employ personnel, to enter into contracts, to purchase, receive, hold and convey real and personal property and otherwise to provide the programs, services and activities agreed upon by the member boards of education. The board of a regional educational service center shall have authority, within the limits prescribed by this part and as specified by the written agreement of the member boards, to establish policies for the regional educational service center, to determine the programs and services to be provided, to employ staff including a director of the center, to prepare and expend the budget and, within the limits authorized under this section, to provide for the financing of the programs and projects of the regional educational service center. (b) For the purpose of carrying out or administering a regional educational service center project, program or other function authorized under this section or refinancing existing indebtedness or funding debt service reserve or project reserve funds, a regional educational service center may, without limiting its authority under other provisions of law, borrow temporarily in anticipation of receipt of current revenues and issue bonds, notes or other obligations payable from or secured by any one or more of the following:
- A pledge, lien, mortgage or other security interest in any or all of the income, proceeds, revenues and property, real or personal, of its projects, assets, programs or other functions, including the proceeds of grants, loans, advances, guarantees or contributions from the federal government, state or any other source; or
- a pledge, lien, mortgage or other security interest in the property, real or personal, of projects to be financed by the bonds, notes or other obligations.
- Bonds, notes or other obligations issued under this section may be issued in one or more series, shall bear such date or dates, be in such form, mature at such time or times, be payable at such place or places whether within the state or without, bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denominations and form, with coupons attached, or registered, be fully negotiable, contain such conversion and redemption provisions, such other terms, covenants and conditions and be issued and sold in such manner as the regional educational service center, by resolution of the board of such center, determines, and may be payable at such time or times not exceeding twenty years from the date of issuance. Such bonds, notes or other obligations shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any debt limitation or restrictions and shall not be obligations of the state of Connecticut or any municipality, and each such bond, note or other obligation shall so state on its face. Neither the officers or members of the board of any regional educational service center nor any person executing the bond, note or other obligations shall be personally liable thereon by reason of the issuance thereof.
- A regional educational service center may issue notes in anticipation of the receipt of proceeds from the sale of such bonds. If such notes are issued, the provisions of sections 7-378 and 7-378a, relating to the terms and conditions of issuing and renewing such notes, shall apply.
- Each pledge, agreement or assignment made for the benefit or security of any bonds, notes or other obligations issued under this section shall be in effect until the principal and interest on the bonds, notes or other obligations for the benefit of which the same were made have been fully paid, or until provision is made for the payment in the manner provided in the resolution or resolutions authorizing their issuance. Any pledge or assignment made in respect of such bonds, notes or other obligations secured thereby shall be valid and binding from the time when the pledge or assignment is made; any income, proceeds, revenues or property so pledged or assigned and thereafter received by the regional educational service center shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge, without any physical delivery thereof or further act; and the lien of any such pledge or assignment shall be valid and binding as against parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against the regional educational service center, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. Neither the resolution, trust indenture, agreement, assignment or other instrument by which a pledge is created need be recorded or filed, except for the recording of any mortgage or lien on real property or on any interest in real property.
- A regional educational service center may enter into contractual agreements, including trust indentures or agreements with trustees, for the collection, investment and payment of pledged or assigned income, proceeds, revenues or property, the establishment of reserves, covenants and agreements for the benefit of the trustee or the holders of any bonds, notes or other obligations, and such other terms and conditions which are reasonable to delineate the respective rights, duties, safeguards, responsibilities and liabilities of the regional educational service center, holders of bonds, notes or other obligations and the trustee or assignee. Any such agreement may provide for the pledge or assigning of any assets or income from assets to which or in which the center has rights or interest, the vesting in such trustee or trustees of such property, rights, powers and duties in trust as the center may determine, which may include any or all of the property, rights, powers and duties of any trustee appointed by the holders of any bonds, notes or other obligations, or limiting or restricting the rights of any holder of any bonds, notes or other obligations, or limiting or abrogating the right of the holders of any bonds, notes or other obligations to appoint a trustee, or limiting the rights, powers and duties of such trustee, and may further provide for such other rights and remedies exercisable by the trustee as may be proper for the protection of the holders of any bonds, notes or other obligations and not otherwise in violation of law, including the acceleration of payment in the event of a default.
- Any regional educational service center may obtain from a commercial bank or insurance company authorized to do business within or without this state a letter of credit, line of credit or other credit or liquidity facility, for the purpose of providing funds for the payment of such bonds, notes or other obligations required by their terms or by the holder thereof to be redeemed or repurchased at or prior to maturity or for providing additional security for such bonds, notes or other obligations. In connection therewith, a regional educational service center may authorize the execution of reimbursement agreements, remarketing agreements, standby bond purchase agreements, agreements for the purpose of moderating interest rate fluctuations and any other necessary or appropriate agreements. If a regional educational service center is required to draw upon any such credit facility, the amount of each loan made pursuant to such credit facility shall be repaid by the center as provided in such agreement with the provider of the credit facility, but no later than the last date on which the bond, notes or other obligations secured thereby would be required to mature by law. Such regional educational service center may pledge or assign or mortgage any of its income, proceeds, revenues or properties authorized by this section to secure its bonds, notes or other obligations to secure its payment obligations under any agreement entered into pursuant to this section.
- Bonds, notes or other obligations issued by a regional educational service center under the provisions of this section are hereby made securities in which all public officers and public bodies of the state and its political subdivisions, all insurance companies, credit unions, building and loan associations, investment companies, savings banks, banking associations, trust companies, executors, administrators, trustees and other fiduciaries and pension, profit- sharing and retirement funds may properly and legally invest funds, including capital in their control or belonging to them. Such bonds are hereby made securities which may properly and legally be deposited with and received by any state or municipal officer or any agency or municipality of the state for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or obligations of the state is now or may hereafter be authorized by law.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 3; P.A. 75-431; P.A. 78-77, S. 1, 2; 78-295, S. 2, 9; P.A. 80-154, S. 3, 5; P.A. 87-460, S. 1, 2; P.A. 95-259, S. 29, 32.)
History: P.A. 75-431 allowed regional center boards to be eligible to receive direct reimbursement in accordance with Sec. 10-76g; P.A. 78-77 gave boards power to borrow temporarily in anticipation of payments to be received;
P.A. 78-295 substituted "member" for "participating" boards, declared boards to be corporate bodies, permitted acceptance of private funds, permitted purchase etc. of personal as well as real property and deleted reference to eligibility for direct reimbursement;
P.A. 80-154 deleted provision concerning supply of programs, services etc. to nonpublic schools within center's geographical area;
P.A. 87-460 provided that a regional educational service center be a body politic and that its board be acting on behalf of the state, added new Subsecs. (b) to (d), inclusive, re the power to issue bonds, notes or other obligations and designated Subsec. (a) accordingly and made a technical change;
P.A. 95-259 amended Subsec. (b) to expand the reasons for which a service center may borrow or issue bonds and to add in Subdiv. (1) "assets, programs or other functions" and added Subsecs. (e) to (h), inclusive, effective July 6, 1995.
Sec. 10-66d. Participation by boards of education and nonpublic schools
Each board of education and nonpublic school in the area served by a regional educational service center may determine the particular programs and services in which it wishes to participate in accordance with the purpose of this part.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 4.)
Sec. 10-66e. Payment of expenses
The necessary administrative and overhead expenditures as determined by the board of the regional educational service center shall be shared jointly by the participating boards of education. In addition any participating board of education and nonpublic school shall be required to pay a prorated share of the costs of any program or service to which it subscribes. Any commitment made by a participating board of education or nonpublic school with a board of a regional educational service center in accordance with any provision of this part shall constitute a valid obligation within its appropriated or other available funds.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 5.)
Sec. 10-66f. Participation in programs of other centers
Joint action by centers. No provision of this part shall limit a board of education from purchasing a program or service from another regional educational service center, provided such program or service is not available from the center of which such board is a member, or from otherwise entering into an agreement with another board or boards of education to secure such program or service jointly. Any two or more regional educational service centers may join together to provide certain programs or services upon approval by the boards of the regional educational service centers involved.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 6; P.A. 78-295, S. 3, 9.)
History: P.A. 78-295 allowed boards to purchase program or service from centers in which they are not members only if program or service is unavailable from center in which they are members.
Sec. 10-66g. Budget and projected revenues statement
Annual audit. Each board of a regional educational service center shall submit a yearly budget and projected revenue statement to each member board of education and to the State Board of Education. The accounts and financial records of all boards of regional educational service centers shall be audited annually in the same manner as the accounts of local or regional boards of education and copies provided to each member board of education and to the State Board of Education.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 7; P.A. 78-218, S. 50; 78-295, S. 4, 9.)
History: P.A. 78-218 substituted "local" for "town" boards of education;
P.A. 78-295 substituted "member" for "participating" boards, "local" for "town" boards and required submission of budget and revenue statement to state board of education as well as to other member boards.
Sec. 10-66h. Annual evaluation of programs and services
The board of a regional educational service center shall annually, following the close of the school year, furnish to each member board of education and the State Board of Education an evaluation of the programs and services provided by the board of the regional educational service center. The State Board of Education shall evaluate not more than once every five years the programs and services provided by the board of each center for the purpose of its continued approval pursuant to section 10-66a.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 8; P.A. 78-295, S. 5, 9; P.A. 86-333, S. 4, 32; P.A. 93-353, S. 25, 52.)
History: P.A. 78-295 substituted "member" for "participating" boards, required that evaluations be submitted to state board of education as well as other members and required state board to evaluate programs and services biennially;
P.A. 86-333 substituted triennial for biennial evaluations of programs and services by the state board of education;
P.A. 93- 353 changed the time frame for evaluations from triennially to not more than once every five years, effective July 1, 1993.
Sec. 10-66i. Applicability of statutes
Receipt of payments. All state statutes concerning education, including provisions for eligibility for state aid and the payment of grants in accordance with the provisions of sections 10-286d, 10-287h and 10-288 with respect to bonds, notes or other obligations issued by a regional educational service center to finance building projects approved by the Commissioner of Education, shall apply to the operation of regional educational service centers. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of the general statutes, the board of a center shall be eligible to receive direct payment pursuant to the provisions of section 10-76g.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 9; P.A. 78-218, S. 51; 78-295, S. 6, 9; P.A. 79-128, S. 18, 36; P.A. 88-360, S. 5, 63.)
History: P.A. 78-218 deleted words "town or regional" describing boards of education;
P.A. 78-295 deleted former provision empowering board to receive prior payments and reimbursement funds if authorized to do so by participants and added provision for eligibility to receive direct reimbursement pursuant to Sec. 10-76g;
P.A. 79-128 substituted "payment" for "reimbursement";
P.A. 88-360 added references to the payment of grants pursuant to Secs. 10-286d, 10- 287h and 10-288 with respect to bonds, notes or other obligations issued by a regional educational service center to finance building projects. Cited. 187 C. 187, 190. Cited. 195 C. 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38.
Annual grants:
- The State Board of Education shall encourage the formation of a state-wide system of regional educational service centers and shall adopt regulations with respect to standards for review and approval of regional education service centers in accordance with sections 10-66a and 10-66h.
- The board of a regional educational service center may annually apply to the State Board of Education for and shall thereafter receive a grant in the amount of eighty-five thousand dollars.
- If in any fiscal year, the funds appropriated for purposes of sections 10-66a, 10-66c, 10-66f to 10-66i, inclusive, 10-66m and this section the applicant board of a regional educational service center shall receive an additional grant in an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the appropriation available for the purpose of this subsection by the ratio which the sum of state aid pursuant to section 10-262h for member boards of education of the center bears to the sum of such state aid for all such boards state-wide. Each regional educational service center shall annually expend any funds appropriated in excess of three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars under this subsection to assist local and regional boards of education in implementing the educational goals and objectives specifically identified by the State Board of Education.
- For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1996, and for each fiscal year thereafter, each regional educational service center shall be entitled to a grant in the following amount: CREC 263,762 EDUCATION CONNECTION-> 90,000 CES 209,393 ACES 219,292 LEARN 81,623 EASTCONN 299,161
(1972, P.A.117, S.10; P.A.78-295, S.7, 9; P.A.83-554, S.1, 2; P.A.84-475, S.1, 3; P.A.85-377, S.1, 13; 85-520, S.1, 3; P.A. 86-301, S.1, 2; P.A.87-327, S.1, 2; P.A.88-358, S.6, 9; P.A.89-124, S.1, 13; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-7, S.3, 22; P.A.95-226, S.8, 30; P.A.96-244, S.8, 63.)
History: P.A. 78-295 made reference to state-wide system, required state board to adopt resolutions for review and approval of centers and added Subsecs. (b) and (c) re appropriations and disbursement of surplus appropriations;
P.A. 83-554 amended Subsec. (b) allowing, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1984, for a grant payment of fifty-six thousand dollars and amended Subsec. (c) directing that any funds appropriated in excess of three hundred twenty-five thousand dollars be expended in implementing educational goals and objectives identified by the state board of education;
P.A. 84- 475 added new Subsec. (d) re competitive state grants to encourage innovative or exemplary programs; P.A. 85-377 substituted commissioner of education for state board in Subsec. (d);
P.A. 85-520 increased amount of annual grant from fifty to seventy thousand dollars and eliminated former Subsec. (d) re competitive grants for innovative or exemplary programs;
P.A. 86-301 amended Subsec. (b) to increase grant amount from seventy thousand to seventy-five thousand dollars;
P.A. 87-327 amended Subsec. (b) to increase grant amount from seventy-five to eighty-five thousand dollars; P.A. 88-358 added new Subsec. (d) re listing of grants to regional educational service centers;
P.A. 89-124 amended Subsec. (c) to substitute state aid pursuant to Sec. 10-262h for proportionate shares as determined in accordance with Sec. 10-262c which was repealed by Sec. 8 of public act 88-358 and made technical changes; June Sp. Sess. 91-7 amended Subsec. (d) to change the amount of the grants;
P.A. 95-226 amended Subsec. (d) to authorize grant to RESCUE, effective July 1, 1995;
|P.A. 96-244 substituted "EDUCATION CONNECTION" for "RESCUE" in Subsec. (d), effective July 1, 1996.
Sec. 10-66k. Revocation of participation; effect on pledge for security of bonds.
Existence of center and repayment of obligations. (a) Any participating member of a board of a regional educational service center may revoke such participation by giving notice to such board of its intention to terminate its participation at least six months prior to the start of the fiscal year beginning July first. (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section and section 10-66a, no withdrawal or termination of participation by any member board of education shall affect any pledge, agreement, assignment or mortgage of any income, revenue, proceeds or property of a regional educational service center made for the benefit or security of any bonds, notes or other obligations or any repayment obligations under any credit or liquidity facility provided pursuant to this chapter. (c) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, no regional educational service center shall cease to exist until such time as payment or provision for payment of all such center's outstanding bonds, notes or other obligations, including any outstanding repayment obligations under any credit or liquidity facility, is made.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 11; P.A. 95-259, S. 30, 32.)
History: P.A. 95-259 made the existing section Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (b) re withdrawal or termination of participation and Subsec. (c) re limitation on when service center can cease to exist, effective July 6, 1995.
Sec. 10-66l. Boards of education may join center within or outside area
Boards of education within an area may join any regional educational service center established therein. Boards of education outside the area in which the center is located may join the center upon approval of a majority of the boards which are members of the center at the time the application to join is filed with the center.
(1972, P.A. 117, S. 12.)
Sec. 10-66m. Other cooperative agreements not affected
No provisions of sections 10-66a to 10-66l, inclusive, shall be construed to affect cooperative arrangements by boards of education under section 10-76e or section 10-158a.
(P.A. 78-295, S. 8, 9.)
Sec. 10-66n. Grants for identifying and disseminating information re exemplary classroom projects.
- The state Department of Education shall establish a grant program in each fiscal year in which funds are appropriated to identify and disseminate information regarding exemplary classroom projects.
- Regional educational service centers may apply for grants under this section at such time and on such forms as the Commissioner of Education prescribes. The grants shall be used to identify exemplary classroom projects in the local and regional schools within their respective districts and disseminate information state-wide regarding the identified projects.
- Within the availability of funds, the amount to which each regional educational service center shall be entitled in each fiscal year shall be determined by multiplying the total amount appropriated for such fiscal year by the ratio of the number of full-time equivalent staff members, certified pursuant to section 10-145, in each region, to the total number of such certified staff members in the state. If the commissioner finds that any such grant is being used for purposes which are not in conformity with the purposes of this section, the commissioner may require repayment of the grant to the state.
- Each regional educational service center shall prepare a financial statement of expenditures and an annual project report. The report shall describe project activities and the degree to which the project met its goals and objectives. Such financial statements and reports shall be submitted to the department on or before September first of the fiscal year immediately following each fiscal year in which the regional educational service center participates in the grant program. Not later than January 15, 1989, the State Board of Education shall report to the committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to education concerning the operation and effectiveness of the programs funded under this section.
(May Sp. Sess. P.A. 86-1, S. 34, 58.)