Visiting Scholars                                                      

For professionals seeking to advance their career growth while enhancing student achievement and global perspectives. Visiting Scholars participate in a research and exchange program that connects them to institutions and experienced professionals throughout the field in learning communities and institutions.

Creating Global Opportunities

At ACES, we create global opportunities that help bring learning communities together. We foster the development of understanding and mutual respect within communities and between nations’ educators by promoting the exchange of ideas and experiences. We help to give college students, educators, and aspiring professionals from across the world skills that make them active and responsible global citizens in their field of education.

We accomplish this by:

  • Offering comprehensive programs and services available.
  • Assembling the greatest resources in our partnered countries and the most committed, experienced, and passionate staff in the field.
  • Working to ensure that each opportunity and experience informs perspective and expands the horizons of all stakeholders.




Visiting Educators                                                    

Visiting educators participate in a research and immersive collegial exchange program. This not only provides them with a certificate under the Authority of the Connecticut Department of Connecticut, but connects them to school communities and experienced professionals in the field. 

Field Study Abroad                                                   

An exclusive, translational study tour for educators seeking enrichment, growth, and adventure. Experiencing these tours helps to bring global competency into classrooms and learning communities. ACES International facilitates and hosts an all-inclusive journey to a destination country. Throughout these journeys, participants will witness thousands of years of the country’s history, with a spotlight on its educational system and cultural arts.

With key destinations in each of our field study countries, we inspire you as this learning experience is nothing short of comprehensive and well maneuvered by your host.

Purpose of the ACES International Scholars and Educators Field Study

  • Advance our awareness of a country’s culture through its Educational System, Arts, History, Cuisine, Language, and People.
  • Provide enhanced professional opportunities for educators and aspiring educators.
  • Deepen multicultural and multinational awareness through commonalities.
  • Experience relevance and global perspectives through experiential learning.
  • Participate in hands-on educational and learning opportunities.
  • Build new friendships and collegial ties.
  • Make relevant connections between cultures to promote world citizenry in the 21st century.

Educators Field Study Testimonials

“These trips are critically important and help me to understand our students and our families more.” -Verna D. Ruffin, Ed. D, Superintendent of Waterbury Public Schools

“It was very eye-opening to walk into schools and see the climate and demeanor of the kids and think about how that compares to what we do.” -Dina Grant, Reading Specialist at Har-Bur Middle School

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