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Jim Moyle

Member Information

Position: Data Services Manager

Contact Information

Email: jmoyle@aces.org

Other Information


“When I was in high school, I wasn’t proficient in mathematics.  My counselors, teachers and advisors all told me that I wouldn’t do well in computer science because I had to be good at math.  So I resolved to not be good at math and everything that went along with it. 

At college, I floundered.  I wasn’t sure what field to choose.  I liked computers.  Loved hearing about them, talking about them.  But I wasn’t good in math, so computers weren’t for me.   But my interest in computers and technology drew me to the computer labs.  It was there that I saw my first computer program.  Laying in the trash, on that old line printer paper were lines and lines of code.  I took one and explored. I even understood it.  The only math I saw was adding and subtracting.  And only adding and subtracting by the number 1! 

“That’s not hard math!  I can do that!”, I thought to myself.   

And I signed up for my first computer science class. 

Since that day I’ve spent my life and career in the computer technology  field.  But it wasn’t until I started working in the education sector and earning my masters in Technology Education, did I realize that my true passion is dedicated to the phrase, “Everyone can learn”.  I’ve learned to love mathematics and love learning through technology.  I love sharing that knowledge.  And learned that if you have a passion for something, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t pursue it.” 

Jim Moyle has worked in the computer science field for more than 30 years with just about every school district in the south-central Connecticut region.  His education includes a BS in Computer Science and an MS in Educational Technology.  He has presented at several conferences on both the local and national level including CECA/CASL in Connecticut and the Florida Educational Technology Conference.  His work experience includes network management, end user support, technology training and professional development, database management, technical writing, graphic design, video and sound editing.

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