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Wanda Wagner

Member Information

Position: Director, Educational Technology

Contact Information

Email: wwagner@aces.org

Other Information


“Whenever I think I am having a tough day, I stop by one of our schools and witness true heroes in action.  I feel empathy as staff experiment with assistive technology to help students communicate.  I hear kindness from educators as they help each other find new ways to use technology to reach deeper levels of students’ learning.  I see wonder in the eyes of students as they execute their first program to make a robot move across the classroom floor.  I sense curiosity as students use data and technology tools to unravel complex real-world problems.  

My approach to technology support is to create dynamic relationships.  I want to be a partner in a journey.  I believe this ongoing learning relationship is crucial to developing digital citizens who have the capacity for invention, innovation, and improvisation. Because technology is an amplifier of culture, I believe we have a responsibility to help staff and students become digital citizens so they may learn with empathy, kindness, wonder, and curiosity firsthand.” 

For over 30 years, Wanda has innovated in the field of educational technology at multiple levels from programming and systems design to chief technology officer positions.  In 2013, she was a doctoral fellow for the Executive Doctorate in Business Administration Council.  In 2014, she was an educational fellow for the Institute for Educational Leadership.  After finishing her dissertation, she completed a post-doctoral seminar and practicum in teaching to further her understanding of adult brain-based learning to improve the professional development and communities of practice she supports.  She credits her doctoral program for developing her scholar-practitioner competencies necessary to become a better leader, follower, co-learner, and citizen.   

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