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ARCTEL is guided by the CT English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards, which emphasize the language skills necessary for student success in grade level content areas, and college and career readiness. Instruction and assignments are aligned to the TESOL Standards for Initial TESOL Pre-K–12 Teacher Preparation Programs, with three program phases organized around the five domains of:
- Knowledge About Language (Phase 1)
- ELLs in the Sociocultural Context (Phase 1)
- Planning and Implementing Instruction (Phase 2)
- Assessment and Evaluation (Phase 2)
- Professionalism and Leadership (Phase 3)
The three program phases follow a natural progression that leads participants from theory to application and then to demonstration of learning.
Teachers who complete the program of study, as well as CT standardized testing requirements, will earn cross-endorsement #111, TESOL PK-12 and/or may be eligible to earn a bilingual education cross-endorsement in their content area.
All ARCTEL participants are eligible to receive cross-endorsement #111, TESOL PK-12. In addition, all certified teachers who earn cross-endorsement #111 through the ARCTEL program are eligible for CT adult education endorsement #088, English to Non-English Speaking Adults.
Bilingual Education
Bilingual endorsements are specific to the subject/grade level to be taught, and require that you also hold the non-bilingual endorsement for the specific content area to be eligible for the bilingual endorsement. For example, to be eligible to add the elementary bilingual endorsement, you must hold an elementary endorsement, or to be eligible to add the bilingual secondary general science endorsement, you must hold the secondary general science endorsement, etc. There is no bilingual special education endorsement. There are also no bilingual special subject endorsements to teach art or music, etc.
Additionally, educators who have passed the required ACTFL language proficiency testing (see Standardized Testing Requirements) and have at least 15 credits in humanities and/or STEM, may be eligible for a secondary endorsement in humanities and/or STEM for grades 5-12.
Recent changes to Connecticut bilingual certification requirements can be found here.
The program provides opportunities to delve into topics specific to those seeking a bilingual cross-endorsement. These opportunities allow for practice in the other language of instruction while expanding on curriculum topics relating to bilingual education programming.
Program Structure
In order to provide a high quality and accessible instructional experience for all learners, ARCTEL is offered as a fully online learning program. It is ideal for teachers who:
- Want a learning experience that emphasizes independent, online learning
- Learn better in a flexible, virtual environment requiring strong organizational skills
- Prefer leveraging online tools to engage in a feedback cycle with the instructor and discourse with colleagues
- Have a high level of skill/comfort with technology tools and web-based applications
This program is non-credit-bearing.
Weekly online sessions (synchronous/asynchronous). Participants must attend all synchronous sessions, complete all asynchronous sessions, and engage fully in all session content. Online office hours will be provided on asynchronous weeks and as needed. |
3-4 per week |
Application of learning to direct instruction of English/multilingual learners. |
100 |
Independent professional learning in an area related to English/multilingual learners. |
20 |
These tasks include reading and research in preparation for class work, written reflections and major assignments as well as collaborative group work, designing a full instructional plan using sheltered instruction, participating in a school-wide problem of practice, and the delivery and recording of a model lesson with English/multilingual learners.
Participants should anticipate spending approximately 4-6 hours per week on program-related work in addition to participating in instructional sessions, and completing practicum and professional learning requirements. Time spent may vary for each learner. |
4-6 per week |
In order to engage fully as a learner in the ARCTEL program, participants will take part in in-class (Zoom) and virtual online discussions, complete homework assignments, and read assigned texts. Participants must attend all synchronous sessions, complete all asynchronous sessions, and engage fully as professionals in all session content. Regular attendance and full engagement in all sessions will provide opportunities to go deeper into research and theories, share strategies, and discuss essential issues and challenges facing bilingual and TESOL teachers. These experiences are meant to build a professional network and support system of colleagues in the field. Online office hours will be provided on asynchronous weeks or as needed for further support.
Synchronous Online Sessions
- 3 hours of live interaction via Zoom with instructors and fellow learners
- Immediate feedback and answers to questions
- Engaging small group breakout rooms designed to grow and share learning
- Participants are expected to come to these sessions having done all assigned readings and/or pre-work
Asynchronous Online Sessions
- Independent and self-paced sessions
- Approximately 4 hours of independent learning (in addition to assigned readings and/or pre-work)
- Engaging mix of videos, articles, and resources
- Online discussions, quizzes, and tasks designed to engage learners in the virtual environment
Practicum experiences build on best practices in the professional literature and research. Participants will apply newly learned strategies to direct instruction of English/multilingual learners and reflect on their experiences. This requirement includes identification of an English/multilingual learner for a case study and may also include co-planning with school ESL staff.
Professional Learning
Participants will engage in independent professional learning experiences directly related to English/multilingual learners. Participants will reflect on these experiences, synthesizing the new learning with the knowledge they gain from program instruction.
Standardized Testing Requirements
Standardized testing requirements are established by the CT State Department of Education. ACES is not responsible for changes made to testing or certification requirements during the program period. Standardized testing must be completed prior to program completion.
The CT State Department of Education requires the passing of Praxis #5362, English to Speakers of Other Languages for TESOL certification (endorsement #111). A minimum score of 155 is required to pass in CT.
In the 2022-23 program year, 99% of ARCTEL participants who took the Praxis passed, with score averages between 172-190, out of a possible 200 total points. Our annual pass rate leaves us very confident that teachers who complete the program are fully prepared for the test.
Bilingual Education
Participants pursuing a bilingual education cross-endorsement must demonstrate oral and written competency in the language of instruction through passing scores on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) and Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). The CT passing score for both tests is Advanced Low. Bilingual cross-endorsement candidates should consult the ARC Project Coordinator prior to taking any testing to confirm eligibility and requirements.