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AASPA Announces Election of New Board Leadership

October 16th, 2023


Contact: Anna Weber

AASPA Announces Election of New Board Leadership
OVERLAND PARK, Kan. – October 11, 2023 — The American Association of School Personnel Administrators announced the election of five new members to their Executive Board. Kevin E. Walton, Sr., Director of Equity & Inclusion at Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES) in North Haven, CT., was announced as the 2023-2024 President at AASPA’s Annual Business Meeting, October 4, 2023. Monica Schroeder, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent at North Shore School District 112 in Highwood, IL., was elected as President for 2024-2025. Sheila Dorsey-Smith., Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources at Kalamazoo Public Schools in Kalamazoo, MI., will serve as Region 2 Representative, Amy Dillon, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources at Park Hill School District in Kansas City, MO., will serve as Region 5 Representative and Ramon Ray, Chief Human Resource Officer at Savannah-Chatham County Public School System in Savannah, GA., will serve as Region 6 Representative.

Walton, a 13-year member of AASPA, has served on various committees, including the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Membership Committees, and presented at several AASPA National Conferences. Walton also served on the AASPA Executive Board asRegion 3 Representative from 2019 – 2022.

“I am honored and humbled to serve as the elected leader of AASPA, the foremost K-12 Human Resources organization on the planet. HR has always been at the heart of any thriving company or business and the same holds true for the business of education. Human Resources plays a pivotal role in creating inclusive and equitable workplaces, and AASPA members are at the forefront of ensuring that our respective school districts and organizations reflect these values. I am excited to work with the Board of Directors and the AASPA staff to continue to provide resources and professional learning opportunities for our 3,400 plus members.” said Walton.

"AASPA's strength lies in its network and community of educators who volunteer their talents and resources to better the mission of providing every member with services, resources, and information vital to successful school HR practices in the interest of students. I am excited to work alongside our newest AASPA leaders and board members to make the kind of innovative changes that will allow us to serve our members now and into the future." said AASPA Executive Director, Kelly Coash-Johnson.

The AASPA Executive Board is a 10-member governance body comprising elected members. Board candidates are selected by the AASPA Nominating Committee and voted on by members during a general election. Find out more about the AASPA Executive Board and governance by visiting https://www.aaspa.org/aaspa-leadership.

The American Association of School Personnel Administrators is an international organization that provides leadership in promoting effective human resource practices within education. Headquartered in Overland Park, Kan., AASPA holds an annual conference in October and various regional professional development opportunities throughout the year in addition to providing other valuable benefits to its 3,400+members. More information about AASPA can be found at www.aaspa.org.


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