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The Bureau of Special Education Announces New Partnership with the Office of Early Childhood and Sparkler

January 29th, 2021

The Bureau of Special Education is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Office of Early Childhood and Sparkler that will help all Connecticut children get off to a strong start.  Sparkler is a free app for families that can be used as a developmental screening tool, a source for activities to support child development, and assists parents with making connections with professionals.  Sparkler engages families to promote healthy early childhood development.

Not only will this initiative support and promote healthy early childhood development for children in your community, it will also assist school districts in meeting the IDEA requirements for child find for young children. 

Get started with Sparkler:

Download: If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, download Sparkler from the Google Play Store. If you use an iPhone or iPad, download Sparkler from the Apple App Store.

Register: Open the app and tap “Create a New Account.” Enter 1-6-0-0 as your provider key. Pick Family/Familia in the “Group” drop-down menu. Answer the questions to create an account for yourself and a profile for your child. You must enter your child’s birthday correctly because Sparkler assigns screenings and other content based on your child’s age. You’ll be asked for a “provider key” to link you with your school/provider. Please skip this step for now! 

Questions? Please email the district at marcom@aces.org or Sparkler at support@playsparkler.org.


Cómo Empezar con Sparkler:

Descarga: Para Android o tablet, descargue Sparkler from the Google Play Store. Para iPhone o iPad, descargue Sparkler from the Apple App Store.

Registro: Abra la app y haga clic en “Crear una Cuenta Nueva.” Introduzca 1-6-0-0 como clave de proveedor. Elija la opción Family/Familia en el menú desplegable “Grupo”. Responda a las preguntas para crear una cuenta para usted y un perfil para el niño/a. Deberá introducir correctamente la fecha de nacimiento del niño/a, porque Sparkler asignará las imágenes y los contenidos según su edad. Se le solicitará una “clave de proveedor” para enlazarlo con su escuela/proveedor. Por favor, ¡de momento no complete este último paso! 

¿Tiene dudas? Por favor, envíe un email al distrito, a marcom@aces.org, o a Sparkler, a la dirección support@playsparkler.org.

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